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Repair Your HVAC Sensors

If you need an HVAC contractor for your sensor malfunctions, contact us at Athena Air Heating and Cooling.

HVAC Contractor For Sensor Malfunctions

Sensors are an important part of your HVAC system. Modern HVAC systems can be set to control temperatures automatically. For this to happen, a temperature or thermostat sensor is required. In an AC or HVAC system, you will find the thermostat sensor near the evaporator coils.

Sensors operate by detecting the temperature of the indoor or outdoor air, and thus guiding the HVAC unit on which component to activate. When air is sucked into the HVAC units through the vents, it passes by the sensor. The sensor then reads the temperature of this air. If the air is warmer than the setting on the thermostat, the sensor activates the compressor to begin cooling the air. If it is colder than the desired setting, it shuts off the compressor.

Trust our licensed, certified and insured contractors to handle all HVAC problems including sensor malfunctions in Watkinsville, GA, the larger Oconee County, as well as Athens.

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HVAC Sensor Malfunctions

The HVAC’s thermostat sensor plays a critical role in the automatic regulation of temperatures in the home. Sensor malfunctions, therefore, mean that the HVAC system is unable to control the temperature as it should. Sensor malfunctions result in erratic HVAC temperature control cycles. This can mean one of two things for the HVAC unit. First, the HVAC cycle might run continuously resulting in overly cold temperatures. Second, the cycles may randomly switch on and off without any rhyme or reason. Consequently, your home might be colder or warmer than desired.

Some of the common sensor malfunctions include:

  • Dislodged sensor: The sensor can dislodge from its right position. This will disturb the entire process of sensing the air temperature resulting in random or continuous cycles for the HVAC system
  • Broken sensor: A broken sensor will simply not function, resulting in erratic cycles.

What To Do In Case Of Sensor Malfunctions

The ideal solution for any HVAC malfunctions depends on the kind of problem you are dealing with. As one of the major problems you can encounter with an HVAC unit, a sensor malfunction will require you to call in an HVAC contractor.

You should not handle sensor malfunctions involving broken sensors and thermostats on your own. In such cases, you need to call in an HVAC contractor to assess the entire unit. After all, you could be dealing with a bigger problem than the broken sensor. Moreover, if your unit is still under warranty, you will want such problems handled by the HVAC installation company.

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